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Doctoral Research


My doctoral thesis was entitled "At the margins of a "development darling": civil society, territory, and development in Karen State, Myanmar" (2021). 


Using ethnographic research, my thesis discussed how an influx of aid into Myanmar (2012-2021) transformed the relationships between state, civil society actors, and rebel actors in Karen State, where the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Myanmar government have been at war for more than seventy years. 


Theoretically, my research draws from geography, anthropology, and development studies, to conceptualise territory from a a postcolonial perspective.


Myanmar Conflict Map

Myanmar Conflict Map screenshot.jpg

Launched in June 2022, the Myanmar Conflict Map is a platform for tracking, visualising, and analysing reports of violence in post-coup Myanmar. By isolating a set of six separate warscapes, the Conflict Map provides a framework for understanding what may seem like indistinct violence from afar. I developed the Conflict Map as part of a small team from the International Institute for Strategic Studies.


In a series of essays, I discuss the social, political, and economic dynamics that underlie the war. These essays nuance and historicise the data presented on the Conflict Map. 

  • Introduction: post-coup Myanmar in six warscapes

  • Dry Zone: an existential struggle in central Myanmar

  • Rakhine: a precarious ceasefire hangs in the balance

  • Northeast: three axes of conflict

  • Southeast: a shared struggle for federal democracy

  • Northwest: a quiet corner transformed by resistance

Consultancies and Other Research

I have also done or contributed to research on:​

  • Conflict transformation

  • Women, peace, and security

  • Digital cultures

  • Migration


Organisations I have worked with include: Berghof Foundation (Germany), International Institute of Strategic Studies (UK), SecDev Foundation (Canada), Singapore Institute of International Affairs (Singapore), Stimson Centre (USA), and UN Women (Myanmar).


Teacher training in Hpa-An, 2018

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